Psalm 22 is a Messianic psalm that takes us to the cross of Christ and prophesies concerning several aspects of His passion. He was forsaken by God and ridiculed by His enemies. They pierced His hands and feet, then divided His garments among them. The first half of the psalm paints graphic word pictures of His humiliation.
Then, in the second half of the psalm, we hear of the suffering Savior's exaltation to glory. "The Kingdom is the Lord's." His glorious name will be declared to generations yet unborn. The exalted Savior will receive praise from the great congregation of those who bow down before Him.
The first line of this hymn is drawn from the thoughts of verses 3 and 23. Verse 3 refers to the Lord as the one who "inhabits (or is enthroned upon) the praises of Israel." V. 23 calls upon the descendants of Jacob to glorify and fear the Lord.
O Jacob's God, O Israel's Praise,
You hear Your people's cries;
How oft their troubled voices raise
Their pleadings to the skies!
When once our fathers called to You,
They were not put to shame --
The Holy One of Israel
For their deliv'rance came.
And now -- Behold! -- Your Servant calls,
The Lord's Anointed One;
Will You not hear His anguished words
And save Your own dear Son?
"My God, My God, why have You left
And multiplied My woes?
Why do My words not move Your hand
To drive away My foes?"
"Before the eyes of all the world
I bear reproach and shame;
A worm and not a man am I --
So lowly is My name."
Is this the one beloved by God?
Is this God's pure Delight?
Will God, to save this Wretchedness,
Appear now with His might?
"Like water from a broken jar
My life pours to the ground;
My tongue for mercy's moisture pleads,
But only gall is found."
"They stare upon My quiv'ring frame;
They pierce My hands and feet;
My garments they divide for spoil
And make My shame complete."
But You, O Lord will not despise,
Will not abhor, this cry;
Nor will You hide Your face from Him,
But raise Him up on high
And bring Him from His earthly grave
To an eternal throne,
Where generations yet unborn
Will praise His name alone.
How great a congregation then
Will bow before their King,
And marvel in delighted awe
That He has done this thing!