Thursday, November 25, 2010

In the Closing Hours of Earth's Passing Day

This hymn is written from the viewpoint of an older Christian looking back on his life and considering all of the blessings he has received.  Each verse emphasizes the fact that it is God's grace -- His unmerited love for the undeserving sinner -- that lies beneath everything that He brings into the life of His dear children.

Click here to listen to the melody of this hymn.  Click here to view the musical score.

In the closing hours of earth’s passing day,
As its glory dims with each fading ray,
In my heart still shines the wondrous display
Of Your grace to me, O Lord.

I was young, but now am cumbered with years,
I have passed through trials, turmoil, and tears,
You have stilled my heart and banished my fears
Through Your grace to me, O Lord.

Like the birds above, I ate from Your hand;
Like the lilies fair, clothed at Your command,
I have garnered all the  blessings You planned
In Your grace to me, O Lord.

When I fell in sin and brought myself shame,
On my bed I wept and called on Your name;
You reached out in love, my soul to reclaim –
In Your grace to me, O Lord.

When my foes brought grief and harmed as they could,
You upheld my soul, beside me You stood;
They meant evil, Lord; You meant it for good –
In Your grace to me, O Lord.

As I stand before this life’s open grave,
I will praise You for each blessing You gave;
You have come to me to seek and to save –
In Your grace to me, O Lord.

In the glorious light of that blessed place
Where the saints behold their dear Savior’s face
I will rest within Your loving embrace –
In Your grace to me, O Lord.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

As Countless as the Sands

One of the most reassuring doctrines of the Bible is the teaching that God has declared the entire world forgiven for the sake of Christ's holy life and sacrificial death.  This hymn expresses the sinner's joy at the assurance that God's verdict includes everyone.  If all are included, then God was speaking to me, also.  It does not matter how great my load of guilt may be.  The Lamb of God has taken away the sin of everyone, including mine!

To listen to the melody, click here.  To view the musical score, click here.  Our thanks to Prof. Em. Bruce Backer of Martin Luther College in New Ulm, Minnesota for providing the hymn setting.

As countless as the sands upon the mighty ocean’s shore,
So many souls on earth today, so many came before;
Each one was known to You, O Lord – each face, each voice, each name –
And in Your heart of hearts, O Lord, You loved each one the same.

Though there is found upon this earth none righteous – no, not one;
Though all have sinned and fallen short in all that we have done,
Yet in Your tender mercy and Your all-embracing love
You sent Your Son, Your only Son, to help us from above.

Behold, the Lamb sent forth by God to bear all sin and blame,
Whose sinless soul assumed the debt of every sinner’s shame,
That all the world might be released from fear and death and hell
And have instead His righteousness and in His presence dwell.

What joy!  to know that God in Christ declared all sinners free,
For with that blessed verdict comes great confidence for me;
Though great my guilt and weak my works, that verdict stands most sure –
In Jesus ALL are justified!  In this I rest secure!

For all the world God’s verdict stands – for every tribe and clan,
For male and female, slave and free, for child and aged man,
For rich and poor, for black and white, for Gentile and for Jew –
God’s “Innocent!” declares to all:  The Savior died for you!