Thursday, July 28, 2011

From Israel's Camp There Comes a Sound

God the Holy Spirit works through the words of Scripture to accomplish two things.  First, through the word of the Law, He exposes our utter corruption and our lost condition, so that we are able to see our complete failure to love and obey God as we should.  The preaching of the Law "kills" us, that is, it convicts us of offenses against God and declares to us God's just judgment that all who do such things are worthy of eternal death and damnation.  Having been thus slain by the Law, our hearts are eager to hear God's Gospel message, which declares to us God's love and forgiveness in Christ.

The imagery in this hymn is drawn from Exodus 32 (Israel worshiping the golden calf) and Hebrews 4:12 (God's word--sharper than a two-edge sword).  In it we are invited to zealously use God's Law to show worldly sinners their sin, so that we may then share with them the saving message of the Gospel.

This hymn may be sung to the melody that is called "Kingsfold," which is used for hymns 481 and 520 in Christian Worship.

From Israel's camp there comes a sound –
   What is this that I hear?
Is it the victor’s shout of joy?
   Is it a cry of fear?
No, from this throng there comes a song,
   But not a hymn’s refrain –
It is a song of godless hearts,
   Of evil unrestrained.

How sad, that here in Israel's ranks
   This pagan song is heard.
Have these not seen Your works, O Lord,
   Or heard Your gracious word?
Alas!  The world has drawn them in,
   Deceived them with its lies!
Their actions shame their Savior’s name
   Before the worldling’s eyes.

Who is there now who’s for the Lord?
   Come, gather at my side!
Put on the Spirit’s sword with me,
   And wield it now with pride.
As stalwart sons of Levi, slay
   The faithless hearts of men
That they may be raised up with Christ
   To serve their God again.

The Spirit’s sword is God’s own word,
   That mighty, living fire,
Far sharper than a two-edged blade
   To pierce each thought’s desire,
To strip away each vain pretense,
   Each self-deceiving lie,
And show the soul its fearful state
   Before God’s throne on high.

God’s word is death and fiery wrath
   To those who savor sin,
But joy and everlasting life
   To all who come within
The warm embrace of God’s sweet grace,
   Forgiven through His Son,
He who abides at Jesus’ side
   Eternal life has won.